Monday, August 17, 2009

Time To Go Home

I have been feeling very disengaged with life recently, like I was just working and living and that was it. So, I have decided to take back some control.
After I found out the not-great news last week, I was slightly hysterical and slightly crazed but, looking back this may have been a good thing.
The blood I passed MAY have been the tissue that needed to go. The hormone drop COULD have been the because the tissue was passing. I have to get my blood levels checked again tomorrow and we will know.
I have been taking fabulous yoga for fertility classes with Brenda Strong and she said something wonderful to me on Sunday.
She said: "Maybe your body is telling you something and you need to listen. Maybe you need a rest from the constant trying, trying, trying and you need to just stop and let your body adjust."
Her words soothed me so much. I realized that I was just on a chugging train that was getting me nowhere fast and I had to get off, have a cup of tea and enjoy the scenery at one of the many stations on the way.
In addition, I feel I have been punishing myself by not seeing my family. So, I will be leaving LA for Manchester on September 8th for two weeks. It has been three years almost since I saw all my family and more than that since I saw most of my friends.
We can't afford it. I am working freelance and so is my husband but right now, the trip is more important than saving cash for a rainy day.
Like I said in my last blog. It ain't even raining any more. It's p-ing down. So I think that day is here.
See y'all in Blighty!

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